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Habitat Management at Kilburn Grange Park

An activity with Camden Green Gym

Activity date: Tuesday 27th August 2024

Start time: 10:45
Finish time: 14:00

Activity description

Join in for a session of nature conservation and habitat management activities. The Green Gym is a unique way to get fit, transform the environment, meet new people and learn new skills. Each session includes a range of activities, designed to suit all abilities. We provide hot drinks and other refreshments during the tea break.

Meeting place

Brondesbury on the Overground and Kilburn on the Jubilee Line. From either station, exit onto Kilburn High Road. Turn right and head south down Kilburn High Road. The Entrance to Kilburn Grange Park is on the left hand side of the road just before the Black Lion pub (NW6 2BY). Meet near the Park keepers office, next to the children's playground.

Activity location

Kilburn Grange Park, Kilburn High Road, NW6 2BY

Site description

The Grange first opened in 1913. The land was previously part of the Grange estate, after which it was named. br> br>Kilburn Grange is a large park that is just behind the shops on Kilburn High Road. Due to its size there are a several different areas within the park. br> br>An area has been set aside for wildlife to inhabit without interruption. Native grasses and herbs have been allowed to grow, including meadow barley (Hordeum secalinum), round-leaved crane's-bill (Geranium rotundifolium) and small-flowered crane's bill (G. pusillum). The latter two species are scarce in London.



Telephone: 07483149629

Please bring

  • packed lunch
  • suitable outdoor clothes
  • suitable outdoor footwear

Further info

Please aim to arrive in good time. We strongly recommend that you wear sturdy boots with a good grip and clothing adapted to outdoors work and weather conditions on the day. Please let us know in advance if it is your first time volunteering with TCV. 14-17 year olds are welcome providing they bring a parent/guardian consent form filled in advance - please contact the organiser. For corporate volunteering, please contact - 07740 899 689

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