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Bentley Priory

An activity with Biodiversity Action Team (North London)

Activity date: Monday 21st October 2024

Start time: 10:00
Finish time: 15:00

Activity description

Join us at Bentley Priory - exact tasks to be confirmed BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL. For further info and booking, contact Mat at

Meeting place

Meeting point TBC

Activity location

Bentley Priory, Old Lodge Way, Stanmore, HA7 3LY

Site description

Bentley Priory comprises 87 ha of woodland and meadows with two bodies of water providing a wide range of habitats for all species. Many interesting and relatively uncommon birds can be seen or heard including buzzard, spotted flycatcher and

The open grassland is unimproved and has been designated an SSSI by English Nature. A herd of cows grazes the grassland in summer to maintain the pastures and promote the diversity of wild flowers. The site is also home to the Master, an ancient oak at least 500 years old, and some impressive wild service trees.

Pick Up Point


Mat Pendergast

Telephone: 07823444325

Please bring

  • packed lunch
  • suitable outdoor clothes
  • suitable outdoor footwear

Further info

All volunteers must be 18 plus, or contact us for a consent form (15 and under must be accompanied by a parent/carer) BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL. For further info and booking, contact Mat at

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