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Habitat management at Adelaide Local Nature Reserve

An activity with Camden Green Gym

Activity date: Tuesday 22nd October 2024

Start time: 10:45
Finish time: 14:00

Activity description

Join in for a session of nature conservation and habitat management activities. The Green Gym is a unique way to get fit, transform the environment, meet new people and learn new skills. Each session includes a range of activities, designed to suit all abilities. We provide hot drinks and other refreshments during the tea break.

Meeting place

Meet at Adelaide Local Nature Reserve - Exit Chalk Farm Station and turn right onto Adelaide Road. The Nature reserve on your left after the building works and before Adelaide Medical Centre. Or take the 31 bus a couple of stops (NW3 3QB).

Activity location

Adelaide LNR, Adelaide Road, NW3 3QB

Site description

Adelaide LNR has been a nature reserve since 1984. It was co-founded by Ursula Granville and there is a plaque to commemorate her. The land is owned by Network Rail, who lease it to the London Borough of Camden for use as a nature reserve. br> br>Stephenson's railway tunnel can be seen nearby. When built in 1837 this was one of the engineering wonders of the world.



Telephone: 07483149629

Please bring

  • packed lunch
  • suitable outdoor clothes
  • suitable outdoor footwear

Further info

Please aim to arrive in good time. We strongly recommend that you wear sturdy boots with a good grip and clothing adapted to outdoors work and weather conditions on the day. Please let us know in advance if it is your first time volunteering with TCV. 14-17 year olds are welcome providing they bring a parent/guardian consent form filled in advance - please contact the organiser. For corporate volunteering, please contact - 07740 899 689

Site Facilities

  • Toilets
  • Nearest Toilets - 2 Mins Walk - Adelaide Medical Centre, Adelaide Road

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