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Glade management- removing self seeded trees and suckers at Westlands Country Park

An activity with Colchester Biodiversity Action Team (Midweek)

Activity date: Thursday 7th November 2024

Start time: 10:15
Finish time: 10:00

Activity description

Please come along and join in the fun at Westland Country Park! We will be doing some glade management which involves removing self seeded tree, bramble and suckers. Glades are an important part of woodland and field ecology. Theres no experience need- every one is welcome. Free Biscuits, tea and coffee is provided. All equiptment is provided. Come along for a half or full day!

Meeting place

Meet at Westland Country Park car park for 10.15am Or for pickup at 10am at Britannia Car Park

Activity location

Westlands Country Park, James Carter Road Colchester, CO3 9XA

Site description

Area of land recently aquired by CBC. Old landfill site which is now open park with many trees planted.


Michael Padmore

Telephone: 07764655682

Please bring

  • packed lunch
  • suitable outdoor clothes
  • suitable outdoor footwear

Further info

Please note there are no toilets on site, the nearest is ASDA express petrol a 2 minute drive away.

Site Facilities

  • Nearest Toilets - Leather Bottle public house- at Straight rd junction with Shrub End Rd

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