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Wymondley NG environmental group

An activity with Bedfordshire Environmental Action Team

Activity date: Thursday 13th March 2025

Start time: 9:30
Finish time: 16:00

Activity description

This is a long term project to improve biodiversity on the site. Each week we'll be doing different activities according to the season to increase and improve habitats for wildlife - it could be tree planting, wildflower surveys, seed collection, litter picking, scrub clearance and more.

Meeting place

To travel from Bedford on the minibus, meet at The Cemetery Gatehouse at 9.15am. To arrange local pick up or to meet on site please contact the office.

Activity location

Wymondley National Grid, Blakemore End Road St Ippolyts Hitchin SG4 7PD, SG4 7JJ

Site description

Area around substation, between outer perimeter fence and inner operational fenced off area. Includes grassland, wooded areas, a pond, slopes, and a footpath around edge (possibly public, possibly permissive, not well signed or documented)

Pick Up Point


Katherine Miskin

Telephone: 01234 217553

Please bring

  • packed lunch
  • suitable outdoor clothes
  • suitable outdoor footwear

Further info

Activities will vary be season and by weather conditions. If there's a specific task you're interested in please contact us.

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