An activity with Church Wood Green Gym
Activity date: Thursday 13th March 2025
Start time: 10:00
Finish time: 13:00
Coppicing and woodland management, footpath clearance, litter picking, fence repairs.
Meet on site at Church wood car park, or a lift is available from the Office in Hastings.
Church Wood L.N.R., Church Wood Local Nature Reserve Church in the Wood Lane ST. LEONARDS-ON-SEA TN38 9PB, TN38 9PB
Ancient woodland remnant with sweet chestnut coppice areas and a hornbeam dominated ghyll stream. The site has Local Nature Reserve Status and is situated in a densely populated area of Hastings.
Telephone: 07764655609
Email: carrie.edmonds@tcv.org.uk
Website: https://www.tcv.org.uk/southeast/sussex/
Meet at the main Church wood LNR car park, a lift is available from our office in Hastings, please call to book. The winter task will be coppicing the Sweet Chestnut as part of the ongoing management of the woodland.