Found 293 activities
Wednesday 26th February 2025
With ESHW Eastbourne Willingdon Health Walk
At ESHW Eastbourne Willingdon Health Walk
A gentle stroll around the local streets and twittens, enjoying the beautiful backdrop of the Downs. Opportunity for coffee or tea after. Take care: some paths can be slightly uneven.
Wednesday 26th February 2025
With ESHW Bexhill Ravenside Health Walk
At ESHW Bexhill Ravenside Health Walk
Sometimes a seafront walk, sometimes a loop into Combe Valley Country Park, sometimes a bit of both, this is a location that offers some delightful contrasts. Take care: rural footpaths can be uneven and could be muddy in winter; some routes include steps over railway.
Wednesday 26th February 2025
With ESHW Hastings Alexandra Park Health Walk
At ESHW Hastings Alexandra Park Heath Walk
A beautiful park with exquisite formal planting and mature trees, woodland areas and wide reservoirs with lots of birds. The health walk routes start in the lower park and go into the other sections to make an hour long loop. Take care: mostly smooth surfaced path but can be slightly uneven in woodland routes and can be slightly steep occasionally.
Wednesday 26th February 2025
With ESHW Ashdown Forest Health Walk
At ESHW Ashdown Forest Health Walk
Meeting at a different car park each week, this is our largest walking group with 30-40 people each week enjoying a one hour guided walk into the stunning countryside of Ashdown Forest.
Wednesday 26th February 2025
With Queen Elizabeth Hospital Green Gym
At Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Join us on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Wednesday of the month at out Queen Elizabeth Community Gardens based in the grounds of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. We are a friendly and welcoming group who love to grow our food, and help provide a space where our local wildlife can thrive. We have a variety of different species on site, including a large variety of butterflies in the spring and summer and different birds from woodpeckers to blue tits. No previous experience is required and all tools are provided.
Wednesday 26th February 2025
With Queen Elizabeth Hospital Green Gym
At Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Join us on the 4TH WEDNESDAY of the month for our monthly nature and wildlife trail around our site at the Queen Elizabeth Community Gardens. We often see a variety of different species, including many different types of birds. Summer is especially magical when the butterflies take flight, and autumn brings the fungi in all of their delight! Learn about all of our amazing wildlife and how to ID what you see!
Thursday 27th February 2025
With ESHW Hailsham Health Walk
At ESHW Hailsham Health Walk
Exploring a variety of local walks that start from the War Memorial. Mostly surfaced paths, including the Cuckoo Trail, around the pond, local quiet streets. Take care: starts in town so some narrow pavements and road crossings.
Thursday 27th February 2025
With East Sussex Health Walks
At ESHW Ninfield Health Walk
One of our shorter health walks â routes around the pretty village, using quiet lanes and footpaths to make loops with charming scenery and stunning views, including the delightful Church Wood Nature Reserve and landscapes painted by Turner. Take care: some rural/woodland footpaths that can be uneven in places.
Thursday 27th February 2025
With ESHW Crowborough Health Walk
At ESHW Crowborough Health Walk
A very popular walk with different start points to make the most of the local countryside and views. Take care: due to local geography, can be a bit steep in places and sturdy footwear is advised.
Thursday 27th February 2025
With Clayton Vale Volunteers
At Clayton Vale
We are running fun and free environmental conservation and nature connection activities at Clayton Vale with sessions alternating each week. Alternate Thursdays 10am - 1pm Practical environmental conservation. Alternate Thursdays 10am - 11.30am Nature based wellbeing sessions.