Found 154 activities
Wednesday 5th March 2025
With Citizen Science Volunteers
About 22.5 miles away from your postcode
At Glasgow wide
This group meets weekly to carry out biological surveying and recording across Glasgow and further afield. This will give you experience in carrying out biological surveys, allow you to take part in Citizen Science projects, and gain native species identification skills.
Wednesday 5th March 2025
With Conservation Volunteer Team - Glasgow
About 22.5 miles away from your postcode
At Glasgow wide
Join our mission to enhance biodiversity in Glasgow's greenspaces! We're dedicated to creating and refining habitats, eradicating invasive species, planting essential species, and establishing wildflower meadows, ponds, and woodlands. Volunteering is a great way to gain new skills and experience the different greenspaces around Glasgow. It also provides an opportunity to meet new people from a range of backgrounds. These groups run every Tuesday to Saturday from approximately 10am - 3pm. Volunteers can sign up for one or all the days. Volunteers must be over 16. If you or anyone you know would like to get involved with this project please contact; glasgow@tcv.org.uk or Bo at b.couch@tcv.org.uk or phone - 07775 025 837
Thursday 6th March 2025
With EPIC Volunteers
About 10.8 miles away from your postcode
At Menstrie Glen
EPIC Volunteers take on practical conservation activities across Clackmannanshire. We help look after our path network, make our greenspaces better for wildlife through biodiversity improvements and support community groups in the Wee County.
Thursday 6th March 2025
With Howden Walled Garden volunteers
About 11.7 miles away from your postcode
At Howden Walled Garden
Wild Ways Well is designed to help everyone to experience the wellbeing benefits of spending time in nature. Every Thursday afternoon we meet at Howden Walled Garden to help make this place better for people and wildlife. We take part in a variety of different activities such as conservation gardening, wildlife surveying, natural art, seed and tree planting, health walks and more. Everything is done at a relaxed, easy, pace and we work hard to be welcoming to everyone.
Thursday 6th March 2025
With Conservation Volunteer Team - Glasgow
About 22.5 miles away from your postcode
At Glasgow wide
Join our mission to enhance biodiversity in Glasgow's greenspaces! We're dedicated to creating and refining habitats, eradicating invasive species, planting essential species, and establishing wildflower meadows, ponds, and woodlands. Volunteering is a great way to gain new skills and experience the different greenspaces around Glasgow. It also provides an opportunity to meet new people from a range of backgrounds. These groups run every Tuesday to Saturday from approximately 10am - 3pm. Volunteers can sign up for one or all the days. Volunteers must be over 16. If you or anyone you know would like to get involved with this project please contact; glasgow@tcv.org.uk or Bo at - b.couch@tcv.org.uk or phone - 07775 025 837
Friday 7th March 2025
With Growing Together Clacks
About 7.4 miles away from your postcode
At Hawkhill Community Association
Learn how to maximise and grow in a limited space in an urban setting with good environmental growing friendly practices
Friday 7th March 2025
With Stirling Health and Care Village Green Gym
About 10.2 miles away from your postcode
At Stirling Health and Care Village
Help improve your local healthcare greenspace for nature, patients, staff and the public. Activities include: making homes for nature, planting bulbs, gardening, improving the greenspace walk, creating the bumblebee hunt and much more! The Green Gym is a fantastic way to get outdoors and improve your physical wellbeing! It is also a great way to meet new people from your area and learn new skills in a relaxed way.
Friday 7th March 2025
With Ladywell Neighbourhood Network
About 11.4 miles away from your postcode
At Ladywell Neighbourhood House
Our Livingston Wild Ways Well group meets every Friday afternoon for a gentle wellbeing walk around Ladywell and the surrounding areas. This is a gentle walk, not a hike! As we go we take notice of the nature around us, learn how to name the trees and plants and about the wildlife that shares the space with us. Afterwards we go to the Ladywell Neighbourhood House for a hot drink and a chat.
Friday 7th March 2025
With Seven Lochs Volunteers
About 19.5 miles away from your postcode
At Seven Lochs Wetland Park
Working on a range of conservation and community projects across the Seven Lochs Wetland Park. Everything from working on a community growing space to path maintenance to biodiversity enhancement at one of Glasgow's oldest buildings!
Friday 7th March 2025
With Conservation Volunteer Team - Glasgow
About 22.5 miles away from your postcode
At Glasgow wide
Join our mission to enhance biodiversity in Glasgow's greenspaces! We're dedicated to creating and refining habitats, eradicating invasive species, planting essential species, and establishing wildflower meadows, ponds, and woodlands. Volunteering is a great way to gain new skills and experience the different greenspaces around Glasgow. It also provides an opportunity to meet new people from a range of backgrounds. These groups run every Tuesday to Saturday from approximately 10am - 3pm. Volunteers can sign up for one or all the days. Volunteers must be over 16. If you or anyone you know would like to get involved with this project please contact; glasgow@tcv.org.uk or Craig at craig.young@tcv.org.uk or 07767112084.