Found 1055 activities
Wednesday 12th February 2025
With ESHW Eastbourne Willingdon Health Walk
At ESHW Eastbourne Willingdon Health Walk
A gentle stroll around the local streets and twittens, enjoying the beautiful backdrop of the Downs. Opportunity for coffee or tea after. Take care: some paths can be slightly uneven.
Wednesday 12th February 2025
With ESHW Bexhill Ravenside Health Walk
At ESHW Bexhill Ravenside Health Walk
Sometimes a seafront walk, sometimes a loop into Combe Valley Country Park, sometimes a bit of both, this is a location that offers some delightful contrasts. Take care: rural footpaths can be uneven and could be muddy in winter; some routes include steps over railway.
Wednesday 12th February 2025
With ESHW Hastings Alexandra Park Health Walk
At ESHW Hastings Alexandra Park Heath Walk
A beautiful park with exquisite formal planting and mature trees, woodland areas and wide reservoirs with lots of birds. The health walk routes start in the lower park and go into the other sections to make an hour long loop. Take care: mostly smooth surfaced path but can be slightly uneven in woodland routes and can be slightly steep occasionally.
Wednesday 12th February 2025
With Conquest Green Gym
At The Hastings Centre garden
We will be creating a productive, wildlife friendly vegetable and flower garden based at the Hastings Centre, in partnership with the Kings Church. Activities will include all aspects of vegetable growing, seed sowing, hedge cutting, propagating, soil improvement, planting seedlings, creating new habitats for wildlife such as bird boxes, feeders, and insect hotels, and managing the small meadow area for wildlife by sowing some areas of wild flowers.
Wednesday 12th February 2025
With Cuckoo Trail - Green Gym
At Cuckoo Trail - Horam
TCV's Green Gym will be running between 10am and 1pm - conservation activities, wildlife spotting, access management to suit all abilities. Everyone welcome.
Wednesday 12th February 2025
With ESHW Ashdown Forest Health Walk
At ESHW Ashdown Forest Health Walk
Meeting at a different car park each week, this is our largest walking group with 30-40 people each week enjoying a one hour guided walk into the stunning countryside of Ashdown Forest.
Wednesday 12th February 2025
With Richmond Weekday Projects
At Ham Lands
We will be working within Ham Lands, in collaboration with Friends of Ham Lands and LBRuT, to manage the woodland, scrub and glades. Tasks may include: - Bramble clearance - Felling of invasive saplings - Haloing around veteran and fruit trees - Removing tree suckers encroaching on pathway - Planting tree whips
Wednesday 12th February 2025
With Bristol Conservation Volunteers
At Charlcombe Community Nature Reserve
Come along and help us remove scrub and prevent further encroachment from a neglected area of Charlcombe Community Nature Reserve in order to restore and maintain the species rich grassland. Join in, Feel good.
Wednesday 12th February 2025
With Biodiversity Action Team (South London)
At Brockwell Park
We return to Brockwell Park to continue with our winter hedge laying works on the western perimeter of the park. We will also be planting native whips in any gaps in the hedgerow, adding mulch where needed, and installing post and wire stock fencing in front of the hedgerow to protect it.
Wednesday 12th February 2025
With Greenwich Peninsula Ecology Park Conservation Volunteers
At Greenwich Peninsula Ecology Park
Join our regular Wednesday conservation workdays at the Ecology Park and help the wardens carry out vital management work in the parkâs different habitats â marsh, meadow, lakes, ponds, shingle beach and woodland. You can just turn up on a Wednesday and donât need to book ahead but the first time you volunteer, we will ask you to fill out a TCV Volunteer Welfare Form (or we can email this to you in advance if you prefer). You will be working as part of a volunteer team with the park wardens, carrying out tasks such as pond clearing, reed cutting, meadow cutting, coppicing (cutting smaller tree stems), digging and weeding.